Where can I receive my order?

  • Currently, Aizo’s Closet offers nationwide delivery services to all private addresses including homes and offices.

What is the delivery timeline?

  • Your order will be delivered nationwide within 3-4 working days.

What are the delivery charges?

  • We usually offer free delivery, but in certain situations, there may be a charge. If we do charge, we will inform the customer clearly beforehand.

Which courier service will deliver my order?

  • An email entailing details of the courier company and tracking code will be sent as soon as the parcel is shipped.

Can I have my order delivery postponed if I am not available at the delivery address?

  • On the delivery date, you will receive an SMS from the courier company. If you are unavailable, please designate someone to receive the parcel on your behalf.
  • If you are unavailable to receive the parcel on the delivery date, you should request a courier company to deliver it on a date of your availability when they call.